Mobile Chiropractic and Personal Training for Sarasota, Bradenton, Venice, & surrounding area.
Our goal is to keep you on the go, doing all of the things you love to do. We do this by incorporating multiple treatment modalities into one treatment session. We begin by assessing your movement patterns to see where the true dysfunction lies with the Selective Functional Movement Assessment. Many times, the problem isn't where the pain is. So we assess the movements to make sure the body is moving as efficiently as possible where it's suppose to move. After we have assessed the movements we begin to work on areas that are creating compensation patterns within the body. We treat those areas with a variety of techniques from a chiropractic adjustment, soft-tissue work, kinesio taping, or IASTM. This acts as a sort of reset button to the body. Once the reset has been performed it's time to download the new software by learning specialized exercises to help the body move efficiently and as strong as possible. Various forms of exercise are used to accomplish this, but Foundation Training is the predominate one. It is great at creating whole body stability and teaching you how to integrate the many movements into your daily lives, creating long lasting change.  We do all of this in the comfort of your own space. We are a concierge service that aims to make your life less stressful and at the same time, provide you with top quality care that leaves you feeling great.
M-F: 8am-6pm